Testimonial: Kisnaphol Wattanawanyoo

Ajahn KengI first met Dr. Poll (P’Ake) in March 2002 during my Postgraduate Exchange Program at the University of Melbourne in Australia. At that time, Dr. Poll was teaching at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) while also studying his Ph.D. at Melbourne University. I could sense his ‘coaching’ spirit since then.

When I was in Melbourne, I was always thinking about my further higher-education in the doctorate degree somewhere abroad. I was not very clear and not very sure at what and how I should proceed or prepare myself. But after discussing with Dr. Poll, he gave me guidelines and advices for my Ph.D. studies. I was much clearer then, but still need some time to form my research topic/issue. Even though I had to return home and worked as an instructor at the School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D) at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) for almost 10 years, I still keep the two important pages of what Dr. Poll kindly drafted out for me on my Ph.D. proposal.

Until recently, I had a good opportunity to receive the Thai Government Scholarship, under the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) of Thailand’s Scheme, to pursue my study at the University College of London (UCL) in England, started in September 2013. His clear coaching guidance proves to be an efficient vehicle helping me to properly define my research interests for completing my research proposal.

Besides the academic advices, I also remembered that Dr. Poll also pointed out a few but very important things about keeping healthy body and mind, and even on the issues of happiness in life. It was very sketchy then, but I always think that his advices were good starting points.

At the bottom of the two-page note, Dr. Poll wrote a reminder for me:

“The sooner you start sketching your thought, the better hope for your success”

Thank you again for your useful advices.

Kisnaphol Wattanawanyoo (Ajahn Keng)
2003-4, worked as a Part-time instructor at SoA+D, KMUTT
2005-2013, worked as a Full-time instructor at SoA+D, KMUTT
From September 2013 onwards, MPhil/Ph.D. studies at UCL (Development Planning Unit), England.