Iām very thankful to Dr. Poll (Coach Aek), for his self-development coaching program including:
1. Reflecting deep thoughts which is a crucial process for changing my life because better thoughts determine better behaviors and results;
2. Finding myself to discover what I truly love and want to be; and
3. Guiding on my goal determinations leading to my greater journey of enjoyable life while achieving my professional goals.
I regard him as a good ‘Thai Coach’ with strong commitment and dedication to his clients. He often intends to guide and share excellent knowledge and methods with me.
In addition, he motivates me to achieve my goals faster and better through the conversation on Skype, about 1.5 hours per session. It has been my great experience with a lot of ‘Aha’ moments.
I feel very happy and observe that time has gone so fast during our coaching sessions š
Thank you for everything he has done for me.
Yours Sincerely,
Kasima Sangwornprasert
Assistant Manager
Business Solution Management
Betagro Group