I have learned from my coach today that:
People who fail are people who do not:
– Make a decision
– Plan what to do
– Monitor what they have done
The TWO key success factors are your COMMITMENT and your CONSISTENCY.
1. Commitment: Why do you want it? How hard do you want it? What drive you to get what you want – for what real purpose? If you cannot answer these questions with more than 100% confidence, it will be hard to get the result. The technical skills and knowledge you need to know is far less important (only 10%) than your presence (being there, 30%) and your commitment (60%) to succeed.
2. Consistency: How often you make a small step to start it up? The most difficult task is to start working on what you ‘think’, with a regular and systematic monitoring mechanism on a daily basis. Coach can only be a person who guides you, not the one who will work for you!
I commit to be your guide to self empowerment and inspiration. My passion is to empower and inspire people by asking powerful deep questions so that they can wisely make good decisions and directions by themselves.
I commit to transform how you think, feel, perform and live. I am a vehicle to take you to where you want to be.
I am your bridge between Thailand and Australia. With my global citizen attitude, you will enjoy my blends of western and eastern philosophies and knowledge sharing with you.
I commit to be your path to inner peace of mind and happiness of heart.
In short, I am your CHO or Chief Happiness Officer – the one who can take you to the journey of inner peace and happiness, connect what you think in your head and what you feel in your heart.
I look forward to talking with you soon. Let me know what you have learned from this post. Feel free to share you experiences with me.
With my kindest wishes,
PS: Thanks to my coach: Mr. Gabriel Gonsalves. Read his online newspaper here.